
Bioenergy » Solar systems - Immergas » CSV vacuum tube collector

CSV vacuum tube collector

The CSV vacuum tube collectors are built using relevant glass tubes that have a vacuum inside; an ideal solution for the non-dissipation of heat. The absorber is positioned inside.
A special concentrator mirror allows absorption of energy even with solar rays that have an unfavourable angle of incidence; these collectors guarantee good yield even during periods with reduced solar exposure.

The CSV vacuum tube collector has the attachments on the same side, but the installer can choose the left or the right.

The air venting unit must be positioned on the hydraulic attachment on outlet from the collector (hot liquid outlet), in correspondence with the probe housing.

Solar Keymark certification
Conformity with UNI EN 12975
High energy yield the whole year round
Ideal heat insulation using glass vacuum tubes
Easy replacement of individual glass tube
Possibility of connecting up to 5 collectors in series
Easy hydraulic connections




Number of glass pipes


η0 optical efficiency

0,568 %

a2 heat loss coefficient

1,24 W/m2K

a1 heat loss coefficient

0,0038 W/m2K2

c (thermal capacity)

9,1 kJ/m2K

Empty collector weight

33 kg

Gross area

2,14 m2

Aperture area

1,92 m2

Liquid content

1,06 litres

Maximum operating pressure

10 bar

Maximum stagnation temperature

295 °C

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