
Burners » Petro » PETRO Lance Burner

PETRO Lance Burner

  • PL burner from 5 up to 25 MW.
  • Steam or air atomising.
  • Good protection from furnace by giljotine door.
  • Very easy to inspect and maintenance during boiler operation.
  • Low NOx nozzle.
  • Separate valve station.

Customer Benefits

Alternative door designs secure low maintenance cost with high availability as they can be opened during the combustion in the boiler. The compact construction improves the possibility to use the PETRO Lance Burner also where the available area in the plant is small. Furthermore when rebuilding an already existing plant this is an advantage.

When the PETRO Lance Burner is used as a start and auxiliary firing in solid fuel boilers a protection door inside the windbox is automatically operated which protects the burner when it is not in operation.

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