
Burners » Petro » PETRO Low-pressure Air Atomising Burner

PETRO Low-pressure Air Atomising Burner

  • Simple and robust construction for all type of oil.
  • Good for marine installation.
  • Oil/sludge version.
  • Bio oil (pine oil).
  • Oil/gas version.
  • Monoblock or duo block version.

Customer Benefits

Thanks to the robust construction with few moving parts the burner gives low maintenance cost and high availability for the user. Besides the customer has an optimal flexibility in his choice of fuel without jeopardising the life time or level of maintenance cost.

A flexible flame shape improves the possibility adapt to the boiler design. In some markets the customer will do with only one PETRO Low-pressure Air Atomising Burner instead of two burners from a competing make thanks to our flame length, hence lower investment and maintenance cost.

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