
Air heaters and dehumidifiers » Cmt Clima » MODUL MIX


Mixers designed for air temperature and humidity uniformity of large environments and reducing energy consumption required for their heating. The special elicentrifughe impellers used in MODUL MIX allow the complete mixing of the layers of air through a suction from the bottom up and radial distribution that instantly restores a balance heat throughout the volume Treaty. By the same principle of operation, MODUL MIX solves the problems created by environmental conditions that summer, because of high temperatures, the high relative humidity and poor ventilation, producing an intolerable atmosphere for people and structures. The mixing of air MODUL MIX owes its functionality and its effect on the special impeller elicentrifuga that forms the heart and substance. The impeller elicentrifuga, available in two sizes (200 and 250), realizes his movement with an exclusive system fluid dynamics system called "convergent / divergent." Contact form